
More than 1,700 published and referenced articles, and nearly 300 authors.

These databases are available to you on this website, just click on one of the links below. They are updated regularly.

If you have found one (or, better,) article (s) in these databases that interests you, you can:

  • consult the journal at the library of the Musée de La Poste in Paris, which has a complete collection, or in that of your local philatelic club (ask your librarian - and in case of absence, suggest that he subscribe! -),
  • or, better, acquire the number (s) concerned (see below) if still available.

Note: do not be surprised by certain high page numbers, some years the pagination has been done "year round" (or even over several years).
On the French version of the website you will find a database for all Documents Philatéliques summaries.